- Length : 882 feet.
- Decks : 9 in total.
- Width : 92.5 feet.
- Height : 175 feet from keel to top of funnels.
- Gross tonnage : 46.328 tons.
- Boilers : 29
- Watertight compartments : 16, all the way to F-deck.
- Crew : 899.
- Passengers : 329 First class, 285 Second class, 710 Third class.
- Engines : 2x 4 cylindered, 30.000 hp, 1 Parsons turbine, 16.000 hp.
- Propellers : 3. The center 16 feet, right/left 23 feet.
- Lifeboats : 20 total ( 16 wooden lifeboats & 4 collapsables).
- Top speed : 23 knots.
Cost of a ticket :
A ticket in 1st class in 1912 | $150 | (today, 12.April 1997, $1724) |
A ticket in 2nd class in 1912 | $ 60 | (today, 12.April 1997, $690) |
A ticket in 3rd class in 1912 | $ 15 | (today, 12.April 1997, $172) |
(Parlor suites in 1st class $4.350, today $50.000. One of the better cabins in 3rd class $40, today $460. Unskilled workers at the shipyard in Belfast earned $5 or less per week.) |
Provisions :
Since I've never been on any cruise stretching longer than from Norway to Germany, it seems to me that they brought along the best of the best for their passengers, like:

- 34 tons of fresh meat.
- 1 ton of sausages.
- 3 tons of onions and tomatoes.
- 1453 gallons fresh milk.
- 40.000 fresh eggs.
- 40 tons of potatoes.
- 36.000 apples.
- 15.000 bottles of beer.
- 1.850 bottles of wine/liquor.
- 12.000 dinner plates.
- 40.000 different towels.
- 45.000 napkins.
- 1.000 oyster-forks.
- 15.000 champagne glasses.
- 8.000 cigars.
And all the splendor and luxury this ship contained! What about
- 28 First class Staterooms & Suites, decorating designs including:
- Italian
- Gregorian
- Renaissance
- Regency
- Modern and Old Dutch
- Queen Anne
- Louis XIV and XV
- Gymnasium with rowing machines, a stationary bicycle and a electric horse.
- Swimming pool (exclusive on Titanic and Olympic).
- Squash court.
- Turkish bath.
- 2 Barber shops.
- Authentic Parisian Café with French waiters.
- 4 electric elevators (3 in 1st class, 1 in 2nd class).
If time and place allowed it, I could have continued to list all the other facilities, but this should be enough to give you an indication of the dimensions and luxury aboard the RMS Titanic.
For further information about the passengers, crew and others, you will find links at the Titanic sites
- About
- Details
- What happened?